Sunday, January 25, 2009

Caylee Anthony's Glorious Freedom

Originally Posted on Saturday, December 20, 2008 at

Like many Americans since July, I have read as much as I could and watched Nancy Grace as often as possible on the edge of my seat to find any sign of the beautiful missing 2 year old Caylee Marie Anthony. From the beginning, things just did not seem right to me. I mean, what mother says her child is safe yet at the same time, won't give factual information to the police? What mother would search for her daughter with no help and party at the same time?

I'm not blogging to blame Casey Anthony. She will have her rightful day in court and a jury will decide whether or not the state of Florida has enough information to convict her. No, no reason to blame her yet. Let's just say this though: I would not be an eligible juror for her case and leave it at that.

So. . .where does that leave all who are concerned that Caylee Anthony's death be vindicated? First and foremost, I'd ask for the state of Florida not to mess this up the same way they've messed big things up in the past (remember presidential elections?). Then I'd ask that good been seen in this.

I've read that the Anthony's say that Caylee is now a guardian angel, and while I know that is a helpful thought to them, I would say that that is an errant thought. I, instead, seek to look directly towards the Bible and the 8th chapter of Romans, which has been my strength in many trying times. ". . .God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (Rom 8:28) And even more, "Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies." (Rom 8:23) Finally, "For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay, and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God." (Rom 8:20-21). (all emphasis mine)

We know little Caylee, being unable to choose whom she would serve becasue she was not of age or of the mindset to ever be able to make that choice, immediately has her place in heaven. I choose to believe that before birth, Caylee's soul was so pure and beautiful that God did not want her to suffer here on earth. She has her place securely in eternity. That is clear to me. She has already been brought into the "glorious freedom of the children of God" and has the redemption of her body complete. As much as at this time no one wants to hear about God's will, I can't help but think His purpose, being greater than our understanding, will be realized in the years to come. In the meantime, it should be comforting to us that she now has a perfect, glorious, unbroken, and redeemed body. She is face to face with God, and "the things of this world [have] gone strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." She does not feel the pain she felt at her death anymore. She knows it happened, but it does not hurt her anymore. She is "safe in the arms of Jesus".

Why should this even matter to a mother of three children in North Carolina? Abuse has affected my family, all of it, for many, many years. Verbal abuse, physical abuse, emotional battering. I can confidently say I loved my parents and I continue to grieve for them. They weren't perfect because frankly, what parent is perfect? They gave me a good home and I have turned out fine. I can now as an adult separate their love for me from their sometimes (not all the times) less than perfect methods. I hold no anger to them about it, and I have forgiven them for it. They did not know better, and it's okay. They both accepted Christ before their deaths and they, along with little Caylee, are complete with redeemed bodies. Also as a teacher, I realize the frustration daily of reporting abuse and neglect to find that overworked and sometimes unconcerned caseworkers don't or can't do their jobs. Socially, we have a responsibility to teach parents how to adequattley care for their children and prevent abuse of all kinds. It is my hope that Caylee's death prompts us all to look at this. Children should know that this treatment is wrong and people we all should feel comfortable enough to ring warning bells when we think something is wrong. Regardless of how the jury feels about Casey Anthony's guilt in the murder of Caylee, it is perfectly clear that by giving false information and not reporting the disappearance of Caylee, she is guilty of child endangerment and neglect. The sentence of this crime should be great--in my opinion almost as great as murder.

In the meantime, it should comfort us that regardless of the pain Caylee went through, she is safe in the arms of Jesus right now. She has glorious freedom while we continue to toil away at earthly battles daily. She is free. We should thank God for that.

1 comment:

  1. I too have been watching this case from the beginning! I can't watch any coverage without crying! I think I need to stop watching! Have a great weekend!
