Monday, January 19, 2009

Welcome, one and all!

Well, I've been seeing people doing blogs more and more regularly, but I wondered what I would even have to write about. Then it hit me in church yesterday. See, if you ever go to church, you'll notice that from time to time you will see a nerd up in the second row taking notes of what the pastor is saying. That nerd is me. There. I've admitted it. My name is Amanda and I am officially a nerd.

No point in hiding it. I'm the one who takes notes for everything. I'm the one with 60 different colors of pens and highlighters. Naturally because of that, scrapbooking is pure heaven to me. Computers? Psh. Computers are like my crack.

I used to write. Alot. But life intervened and I stopped. Doesn't mean I don't have thouse random thoughts as I am writing notes, "Hey, what about. . .?" But then again, I don't want to have a blog that put people to sleep. I wanted a Blog that made people think. There are several blogs swimming around in my head. . .
  • Christian Imagery in the Harry Potter series
  • Scrapbooking and the need for it
  • God's grace
  • etc., etc., etc.
  • How the song I need to hear is always on the radio when I need to have it.
  • AND Walt Disney World--my 2nd favorite place here on earth

If I've already completely bored you, move on, move on, nothing to see here.

But I'll be starting with Harry Potter soon and I'd invite you on in for the ride. My first "official" blog will be titled: "The Sacrificial Lamb".

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amanda!!! I followed you here from your Facebook link. I've got a blog here, too, which you can find if you click my picture under "Followers". I'm trying to increase my Blogger network so I'm so happy to have you here!

